The Gorley Family-And More!

Tuesday, 15-Oct-2024, 4:44 PM

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                                                                       About our family


             Hello, my name is Max. Our family includes my mom(46 years old), my dad(49 years old), and since me and my sister Alaina are twins, we're both 11 years old! Also, as a new edition to the family, in March, we got a dog named Sandy! ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO KNOW ABOUT THE GORLEY FAMILY! Click on one of the choices on the RIGHT, or click on one of the links below to get started.(NOTE: You only have to log in to view photos, view my speech, play games (if you don't have WebSense), contact me,etc.) Also, you won't be able to advise a friend, add a news entry, or play some of the games on the mobile version although the buttons/links are there. When you click a link in the Manatee County Public Library System page, you will leave my website.) Just use the E-mail and password you have for your regular E-mail account for the E-Mail page. Finally, if you see a nickname in red, that means that i'm on my website. Have Fun!




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Please note that the birthday reminder page has been removed. Click here for more details.
My sister now has a website! Click here to see it!












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